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While designed for both health and self-defense, Taiji Qigong gives priority to the internal. While alternating movements with stillness, stillness is emphasised, and while simultaneously training the internal and the external, priority is given to the internal.

HunYuan TaiChi QiGong

Hunyuan Taiji Qigong will easily help rejuvenate your senses and invigorate your muscles. When you are better relaxed, you tend to make healthier choices, which in turn results in healthier lifestyles, and ultimately in a well balanced individual.

All Taiji participants in a six month randomized controlled study reported a significantly enhanced, integrated mind-body connection, and significant positive psychological effects.

Those with a deeper understanding and continuously practice can experience the following benefits:
Movements , breath and mental integration
Strong Qi flowing (Internal energy)
Even and deeper body breathing
Humble, modest and ability of self-defense
Inner peace, healthy & positive attitude and life-style

Martin Deng's teaching and training has very rich combination of Taoist philosophy, Chinese martial arts and TCM knowledge.

Book your appointment today to start your healing journey.

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What is Qigong

Qigong (Chi Kung) means literally, "Energy Cultivation," and refers to exercises which improve health and longevity as well as increase the sense of harmony within oneself and in the world. There are thousands of such exercises. In fact, anything you do with the intention of benefiting your energy can be considered Qi Gong. All Qi Gong contains common principles - mind, movement and breath. Another way to express this is - the mind is the presence of intention, the movement is the action of intention, the breath is the flow of intention. These are the "secrets" of Qi Gong - and they are often taught at the beginning of training. Of course it takes years of exploring these ideas in practice to begin to truly grasp their significance.

Taoism ( Dao phioosphy )

Taoism refers to a variety of related philosophical and religious traditions and concepts. But we will only touch philosophical part through the training.

These traditions have influenced East Asia for over two thousand years and some have spread internationally. The Chinese character Tao 道 means "path" or "way", although in Chinese religion and philosophy it has taken on more abstract meanings.

Taoist propriety and ethics emphasize the Three Jewels of the Tao: compassion, moderation, and humility. Taoist thought focuses on health, longevity, immortality, wu wei (effortless action) and spontaneity. Chinese alchemy, astrology, cuisine, Chinese martial arts, Chinese traditional medicine, fengshui, and many styles of qigong breath training disciplines are intertwined with Taoism throughout history.

Hunyuan Taiji

The full name of Hunyuan Taiji is Chenstyle XinYi Hunyuan Taijiquan.

“Chenstyle” and “XinYi” tell that it’s inherited from Chen style Taijiquan , XinYi Qigong and internal Martial art. The creator , grand master Feng Zhiqiang is the both 17th generation Grand master Chen Fake and XinYi LiuHe Quan grand master Hu Yaozhen’s legendary disciple.

“Hunyuan” tells the character and essence of this exercise.

The word “Hunyuan” refers to the “original” state of the universe. It can be likened to “0” that comes before the number “1” or the great void or “cosmic soup” that existed before the beginning of creation. It is like the “Tao that cannot be named”, referred to in the first chapter of the Tao TE Ching. Some might refer to it as primordial essence. It pre-exists even the state of Taiji where from the void, “Wuji”, appeared a state which contained both the Yin and Yang and is symbolized in the Taiji diagram. It also refers to the circular/spiral movement of the universe, which should be incorporated into Taijiquan and Qigong practice.

However, the word “Xin Yi” does not only specifically refer to the martial art of “Xin Yi Liu He Quan”. Literal translation, Xin means heart-mind and Yi means intentional mind. Feng’s intention was to focus and emphasis on mind which is the core for all Taijiquan and internal martial art.

HunYuan Health


1 Kielman Road, Willetton WA 6155

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